2025 Art Glass Festival

Browse winners by category and year or see them all on our Pinterest board.
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Texas Oaks in the Wildflowers

This large, original mural (48" x 30") designed by the artist has 3 panels  Each panel has been tack fused several times using a mosaic background as a wash w/frit, stringer, and cut dimensional glass layers for a multi-dimensional effect techniques that was created by the artist, Donna Sarafis.


Fayetteville, TX

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The Lost Musician

Kiln formed & sculpted dichroic glass.  22" diameter, 8mm thick.  Made from a life mask casting, which then we turned into a mold that survives the kiln temperatures and pressures of the thick glass.  The sculpture around the face is a free form mold.  This face was from the actual life cast made for the thriller video of Michael Jackson’s face.  Then we created the new mold to use in my kiln forming.

Peggy Pettigrew
Cave Creek, AZ

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Don't Stare to Long

 10" X 10" X 1/2" Plate.  Center is a screen melt, edges have been cold worked.

Salt Lake City, UT