Zoom Cutting Art Glass Class Details

Zoom Cutting Art Glass

One Day Only: 

Where:  Delphi's Lansing Creativity Center

When:  1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

New to cutting glass or just want to improve your cutting skills?
Learn how to cut art glass in this online Zoom class. Follow along as Roy shows you simple techniques for cutting glass like a pro. Get your questions answered during this 2 hour live class presentation.
Class will include discussions about different glass types and manufacturers and the best approach for cutting these different glass styles.  Demonstrations will include using “pencil shaped” cutters, and how to use other popular types of cutters, including the pistol grip and Thompson grip cutters. Roy will show how to cut several different types of art glass along with cutting glass from a pattern.
Students will need to register with Zoom.
Students will be emailed a link to the class a few hours before class time on the day of the class. Students will be allowed to enter the virtual classroom 15 minutes before the class start time.
All class times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

  • Category
  • Stained Glass
  • Need Help?
  • Call: 800-248-2048 x3024

Class Reviews

4.5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
  •   Informative class on the Art of Cutting Glass
By on
Pros : I thought I knew a lot but this class showed that I didn't. Learning about the different types of glass and how they break was beneficial. Roy was very easy-going and didn't come across as a know-it-all....very humble.
Cons : The audio could have been a little better if Roy had an external lapel mike. It was okay but it could have been clearer.
Other Thoughts : No other thoughts. :>)
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
5 out of 5 stars
  •   Great class
By on
Pros : Thanks so much for the zoom format. It allows those of us needing some refresher courses a way to take a class when none are available locally. I got so many tips that will help on my next projects. I'm sure I knew these at one time, but hadn't been cutting for a few years.
Cons : The only con was trying to see scores on the glass.
Other Thoughts : Please continue the zoom classes. One on repairs would be great. Once people know you have a shop at your house, you start to get repair requests. I don't want to make something worse!
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
5 out of 5 stars
  •   Cutting Art Glass
By on
Pros : This was a great refresher class for me to bring up my skills after a few years of not working with glass. Great presenter.
Cons :
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
3 out of 5 stars
  •   Zoom glass cuttng
By on
Pros : Just the availability for a Zoom class is exciting. I look forward to a soldering glass in the future. Customer service as always was superb.
Cons : Unfortunately, I never got the email with the Zoom information. I searched every email file possible, and just did not get the mail. I called Customer Service and the woman I spoke with was very helpful. I unfortunately could not seem to sign into Zoom. When I was able to finally make a connection, it was nearly 3:00 pm and I gave up trying. I hope there is another class offered.
Other Thoughts : If anothr class becomes available, I will certainly plan better. It is advisable to begin the sig in process a fewe minutes earlier than the class begins. And i thought I was versed in Zoom meetings.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
5 out of 5 stars
  •   Delphi glass cutting
By on
Pros : As a beginner, this was great instruction for me. Practice makes perfect!
Cons : No cons!
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
5 out of 5 stars
  •   Zoom Cutting Class
By on
Pros : 1). It was nice seeing Roy again after not being up to Delphi for a couple of years. (I like the look of Roy's graying hair. It added some fresh color to the Zoom presentation.) 2) The class was good for All levels of glass expertise. I've been doing stained and fused glass for many years, and still learned a number of things in the class. This was especially true through the availability of the chat for questions. 3) I was (pleasantly) surprised by the participants from all over the continent. Delphi has done a great job reaching out to folks who Zoomed in from afar. 4). I was especially appreciative of the camera work. Having the two cameras was necessary and the director did a good job of "getting in there" for some close up shots. 5) I have no idea of the technology involved, but perhaps some kind of a lens on the camera might make the view of the cutting scores in the glass a bit more visible. But Roy did a great job of making the scores visible.
Cons : None really - other than perhaps it would be nice to see some cuts in some of the more challenging complex art glass. (That's where I have my greatest challenges).
Other Thoughts : I guess this is the section of the review where I should have mentioned Roy's hair. ;-). Thank you Delphi for creating these opportunities via Zoom. I'm thinking of others you might consider - although there are so many "How To" videos out there.
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
4 out of 5 stars
By on
Pros : Great job. I especially enjoyed how to cut circles for my projects. By cutting small pieces for the circles will be a benefit to me.
Cons :
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5 out of 5 stars
  •   Cutting art glass
By on
Pros : Could see well - good use of cameras. Able to ask all questions through moderator and could hear everyone else’s questions. Good resources were shared. I appreciated hearing “this is the way I do it/or this is my opinion but there are several way - find what works for you”. Also appreciated Roy discussing “building confidence”. Great info on glass types and cutting sides. Many great cutting tips!
Cons : As Roy mentioned - lightning wasn’t the best - but honestly was adequate.
Other Thoughts : Really appreciate the virtual offerings! Students can join from anywhere in the country. Virtual makes it so much easier to fit into a busy life! Thanks!
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