Hot Head Bead Making Kit

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Product Features

  • Open up the fascinating world of bead making with this kit, created especially for you by Delphi's bead making instructors
  • Stocked with the supplies you need to start making lampworked beads
  • Includes our most popular 104 COE Italian glass rod pack
  • Hot Head torch used economical MAPP gas

Product Description

exclusive Best Seller
Open up the fascinating world of bead making with this kit, created especially for you by Delphi's bead making instructors. This convenient kit takes the guess work out of getting started with high quality tools. Torch uses propane or MAPP gas, which is available at most hardware stores. A Delphi Exclusive!

The Hot Head Torch is Perfect for Beginners!

  • Heats up quickly, allow you to make beads fast.
  • Uses inexpensive, easy-to-find MAPP gas.
  • Easy-to-use dial adjusts to flow to control your flame.
Kit Includes:
  • Hot Head Turbo Torch
  • Table-clamp torch holder
  • Clear UV protective glasses
  • Mandrel set
  • Flame Dri bead release
  • Stainless steel rake
  • Italian rod assortment
  • Graphite paddle
  • Fiber blanket
Note: Product selection may vary based on availability. Photo is just one example, quality will remain the same.

Bead by artist Bonnie Stowe. Bracelet by artist Janet Libbey. Both from Delphi's Online Artist Gallery.

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5 out of 5 stars
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Pros :
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1 out of 5 stars
  •   Poor safety
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Pros : Whatever pros there may be are outweighed by the cons.
Cons : The clear safety glasses in this kit are not sufficient to protect your eyesight from the glare of the flame. At the very least, this kit should include didymium glasses. It is irresponsible to market a kit like this to beginners who may not be aware of the required eye protection.
Other Thoughts : I have been a beadmaker (and teacher) for 17 years. I would not recommend this kit to my students.
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47 of 57 people found this review helpful
4 out of 5 stars
  •   Great beginner and beyond kit
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Pros : I had been to a bead making class and got hooked! It was hard to source in NZ so bought from Delphi and service was great. Kit has good range of glass and tools.
Cons : The mandrels are pretty big - I've ordered the 1/16th" ones to replace these - they leave the hole in the bead too wide which you can see on jewelry pieces. Also the sludgey stuff dries out - I've found adding water and stirring well brings it back to life.
Other Thoughts : Like others more detailed instructions would be good - although I ended up checking out heaps of stuff on youtube and that worked great!
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Oct 06, 2010
When I found Cindy Jenkins book Making Glass Beads back in 1998, I was immediately hooked on the idea of making glass beads. Id never seen handmade glass beads nor had I ever seen anyone make one. I was absolutely fascinated and I still am. Back then, the information was tough to find, but its much more popular now. I hope the following information will ease you into the fun world of making your own glass beads. Glass beadmaking is probably one of the easiest mediums to get started in when it comes to the tools and equipment you will need. Lets start by looking at the basic equipment Torch A good beginning torch is the Hot Head Torch which was made specifically for beadmaking. It burns hot and clean and runs off of a small MAPP gas tank (see description below). Work Surface Find an old table or desk.
Jun 11, 2013
Well, hello there Carlise, my name is Cere. Its nice to meet you. As a flameworker, the most powerful tool at our disposal is the torch. From raw gas to burning flame, the torch provides the energy needed to take glass from solid state to molten magic. As someone that typically works with Borosillicate glass (32 or 33 COE), I tend to work towards the hotter parts of the flame, however, if you work with Moretti (104 COE), or soft glass, you may find the cooler areas beneficial to you. No matter what kind of glass you are melting in your torch, when properly familiar with the parts and type of the flame, you can bring your work to new levels. Q Oxidizing, Reducing and Neutral What kind of flame do I have, and what does that mean to me? A When being worked, many glass colors are sensitive