Working with Texture Molds #FacebookLive

More Glass Fusing

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Published: October 18, 2023
Roy and Val as they talk about different ways to use them. Listed below are the firing schedules we used. Ramp / Temperature / Hold Time Roy's Firing Schedule: Segment 1: 300 / 1000 / 40 mins Segment 2: 200 / 1225 / 1 hour 30 mins Segment 3: 150 / 1470 / 12 mins Segment 4: 9999 (FULL) / 900 / 1 hour 30 mins Val's Firing Schedule: Segment 1: 250 / 1000 / 1 hour Segment 2: 200 / 1225 / 1 hour Segment 3: 250 / 1440 / 14 mins Segment 4: 9999 (FULL) / 900 / 1 hour 30 mins
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CpfElNS8tSY::Working-with-Texture-Molds-FacebookLive::Working with Texture Molds FacebookLive