Pros : Finally, I found a silverbacked copperfoil that sticks. Any I have tried in the past (canfield mainly) is horrible. Recommend highly just on that basis. Try it!!
Cons : A little fragile (can tear sometimes, but can work around the problem.) Also, seems to wrinkle when applied. I use a wallpaper seamroller to burnish and that helps iron out the wrinkles.
Other Thoughts : I say buy just on the basis of good stickiness. I haven't used 1/4 in the past, but think I will go to it. It is only 1/32 of an inch wider than standard 7/32, or half that on each side of the glass. A little more expensive, but really helps to make straighter solder lines. Try 1/4 inch and see how you like it.
Because it is thin, Foiling seems to work better when using an actual foiler.