artist gallery : emk130

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Delphi Studio Table Lamp Kit

Delphi Studio Table Lamp Kit

Item# 24988
11 of 11 found the following review helpful:
A good idea but needs some improvement, January 29, 2021 3 stars
This is a very nice way to make a lamp in theory. A very good idea and looks nice when finished.
A template to make the panels proper size NEEDS to be included with this lamp and also a sheet of some assembly tips-such as that the screws can be over-tightened and crack the glass, which happened, even though I tried to be very careful in assembly. The dimensions provided for the trapezoid panel are insufficient to help someone make a template or panels successfully. I had to make my own template, which did not work out. It ended up that it was too large. It took me weeks of work to make the 4 panels, as I work full-time, only for the finished panels after all the work to be too big, and to not have enough clearance for the screws. I had a very hard time getting the panels in and two of them cracked. I had used gorgeous glass too that was not cheap. Now I have to give this as a birthday gift with two cracks. Im afraid if I try to take the panels out to repair them, Ill cause more damage putting them back. :-(
Other Thoughts
PLEASE provide a template. Please improve the screw system if possible to eliminate over tightening, or at the very least, provide a warning. It will save others the frustration I went through.
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emk130's info
joined:Jan 07, 2021
location:Dunmore, PA US
display name:emk130