artist gallery : amylkoenig

amylkoenig's Profile

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Kwik Crimp

Kwik Crimp

Item# 7613
6 of 9 found the following review helpful:
Easy to use, and a big time saver, September 1, 2022 5 stars
The tool comes with a little instruction card to help get you started. It's lightweight, and easy to maneuver across the glass edges. I haven't had to reapply tape to a single piece, or use a fid to finish the job.
It's made of plastic, so it gets scratched by sharp tape corners and glass edges. Not a huge deal, but over time it develops some pretty deep groves which can cause indentations in the tape face.
Other Thoughts
For projects with many pieces, this is a great way to save time and wear & tear on your fingers.
Lead Upgrade Kit

Lead Upgrade Kit

Item# 4060
18 of 26 found the following review helpful:
Decent Beginner Set, May 24, 2021 4 stars
Includes items I wouldn't have thought to purchase as a beginner, like the hammer and the pattern shears
As with most kits, there are some items that are lower quality versions of their kind. That makes it hard to justify spending more money on a nicer tool that would duplicate what's already in your set.
Other Thoughts
Not knowing much about leading, this was a helpful buy to practice with before deciding what supplies you might want going forward!
amylkoenig's info
joined:Jan 10, 2021
location:Riverside, IL US
display name:amylkoenig