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Laurie's Profile

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Bench Brush

Bench Brush

Item# 5140
8 of 14 found the following review helpful:
don't put it off, September 30, 2021 5 stars
always handy and covers large area
Other Thoughts
I put this off too long not wanting to spend more money but turned out to be invaluable in my work
Table Foiler

Table Foiler

Item# 68101
8 of 8 found the following review helpful:
Great tool, September 30, 2021 5 stars
smooth, fast and easy to use and proffessional looking edges
difficult on tiny pieces
Other Thoughts
A valuable accessory, I use it alot
Laurie's info
joined:Mar 23, 2021
location:Manchester, MI US
display name:Laurie C.