artist gallery : skellogg

SKellogg's Profile

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1/8 Flat U Zinc Came - 6 ft Piece

1/8" Flat U Zinc Came - 6 ft Piece

Item# 5600
4 of 4 found the following review helpful:
Zinc came, May 23, 2022 5 stars
Really easy to use, cuts clean and easy.
I don’t have any cons. I have never had any problems with it.
Other Thoughts
I don’t have anyone close that carries this so I order from Delphi. They ship it out quickly. If I can’t find what I need locally I know I can depend on Delphi to have what I need!
SKellogg's info
joined:Aug 28, 2021
location:Coal Hill, Ar US
display name:SKellogg