artist gallery : dirrim29

dirrim29's Profile

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Mark Stay 2 - 1 Oz.

Mark Stay 2 - 1 Oz.

Item# 50481
8 of 10 found the following review helpful:
Template fix, September 1, 2022 5 stars
I use this product on every glass template. It helps to water proof the template paper and takes just a tad with your finger to apply.
I found that a combination of things are needed to replace the template secure while sawing.
Other Thoughts
My best solution is to stick the template on the class with construction adhesive then coat with Mark Stay and follow with a coatin of rubber cement and allow to dry before sawing.
Taurus 3 Blade Stabilizer

Taurus 3 Blade Stabilizer

Item# 57009
2 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Blade stabilizer, September 1, 2022 5 stars
This really helped the Taurus 3 saw to run and cut much smoother. Recommend replacing the orange saw grommets if worn when installing this device. Does the job for smoother, quieter cuts.
None so far.
Other Thoughts
Saw a review that said the little cog grommets wore out in 2 hours sawing. I haven’t had this problem but the grommets are available from Delphi if needed.
24 x 24 x 1/2 Homasote Board

24" x 24" x 1/2" Homasote Board

Item# 5176
6 of 6 found the following review helpful:
Assembly board, September 1, 2022 5 stars
Just the right texture to tap in horse shoe nails and pins.
None so far
Other Thoughts
Great product. I was using a softer product that just wouldn’t hold the frame pins. This is a perfect assembly board. Love it.
artist gif
dirrim29's info
joined:Mar 02, 2022
location:Ada, OK US
display name:dirrim29