artist gallery : becadesigns

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Studio Pro Band Saw Replacement Blade

Studio Pro Band Saw Replacement Blade

Item# 7375
Nothing Premium About It, September 18, 2010 1 stars
Came out of the package mis-shapened (out of round) resulting in a constant thumping noise from the saw; didn't last as long as the regular replacement blades; costs too much
Other Thoughts
Don't buy this blade! It's not worth the extra money -- there's nothing premium about it.
Titan XT Ring Saw

Titan XT Ring Saw

Item# 57010
Don't Waste Your Money, February 26, 2009 1 stars
Poor quality & too many things can go wrong with this saw. It was advertised to cut bottles but I never achieved decent results without having to replace the belt, the blade or wheel. I sent it back to the manufacturer, who told me I was applying to much pressure and they charged me additional $$$ to "fix" what was supposedly wrong. It's still sitting in the box they shipped it in.
Other Thoughts
Had to choose 1 star - would have been zero if that was an option.
becadesigns's info
joined:Dec 04, 2006
location:COLBERT, GA US
display name:becadesigns