artist gallery : smiliemom

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Easy-Cut Lens Cutter

Easy-Cut Lens Cutter

Item# 7991
3 of 5 found the following review helpful:
Best Ever!, June 25, 2012 5 stars
This cuts so easy and makes the circles perfect. I love the fact that it makes small ones.
No cons!
Wire Wrapping Beginner Kit

Wire Wrapping Beginner Kit

Item# 6931
6 of 12 found the following review helpful:
Fun Book on CD, May 4, 2011 5 stars
This is a great book on CD. I could follow the instructions and have made several necklaces out of fused glass and wire wrap them. I have brought some of my friends over and have been teaching them how to wire wrap. This is fun.
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smiliemom's info
joined:Jan 12, 2007
location:Lakeside, CA US
display name:smiliemom