artist gallery : flo's fine things

Flo's Fine Things's Profile

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Easy-Cut Lens Cutter

Easy-Cut Lens Cutter

Item# 7991
14 of 17 found the following review helpful:
Still searching for the best circel cutter, May 10, 2014 2 stars
Not worth the money - this is the 4th try at purchasing a product that will cut small circles - I think I am going to give up! This is not stable - you have a wobble even with the rubber others have recommended - instruction were not very good - pass this one up
Gryphon Wet Belt Sander

Gryphon Wet Belt Sander

Item# 84101
5 of 8 found the following review helpful:
Love this machine, September 18, 2011 5 stars
Easy to use and clean - polishes beautifully - I have never had a problem with it in the 4 years I have had it
a bit messy - wear old clothes or an apron
Other Thoughts
My daughter will not use the saws but she will sit and polish with this for hours
Flo's Fine Things
Flo's Fine Things
artist gif participant gif
Flo's Fine Things's info
joined:Apr 02, 2007
location:Murfreesboro, TN US
display name:lsbarnes4