artist gallery : eclecticity

Eclecticity's Profile


I love working with glass, from making jewelry to stained glass and most recently kiln fused glass. It's my happy place.
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Twelve Fans of Tiffany

Twelve Fans of Tiffany

Item# 6847
Beautiful and informative!, February 17, 2012 5 stars
All things good. Dan Alfuth has done a wonderful job with this and his wife has done the photos great justice. Can't wait to get started!
MR-97 Boron Nitride Mold Release - 4 Oz

MR-97 Boron Nitride Mold Release - 4 Oz

Item# 93701
A God Send!!, December 22, 2011 5 stars
I so love this product! Easiest thing yet to keep glass from sticking to anything from molds to the kiln shelf! Leaves a really clean smooth finish.
Didn't buy enough of it!
Other Thoughts
It's a little pricey, but worth it! However it lasts a lot longer than shelf paper and can get into all the nooks and crannies, if you have them.
Oceanside White Opal Iridized - 96 COE

Oceanside White Opal Iridized - 96 COE

Item# X200I
4 of 4 found the following review helpful:
My Angels Glow!, December 4, 2011 5 stars
This is great for making cut glass angels and for fusing/slumping candle holders for Christmas!
Other Thoughts
Very versatile and easy to cut!
6 Foot Drape Mold

6" Foot Drape Mold

Item# 806192
Love it!, December 4, 2011 5 stars
This is the best thing for slumping/fusing since... well Delphi (sliced bread)!
None! Just awesome!
Eclecticity comment on Fusing Tips
May 16, 2011

I fused a 96 COE dichroic 3 x 3 square onto System 96 black 5 x 5 using the System 96 firing schedule (which I swear by) - but this time, I got big and small bubbles. Haven't had this problem since I started using this schedule and the glass is too expensive to have this keep happening - twice now. I noticed that Roy Kapp has a photo of one he did with a double plate mold (Item# 7448) and wonder if he would share his fusing schedule with me. I have ordered this plate mold and would like to try again. Thanks! Sally

Eclecticity comment on System 96 - Common Questions and Answers
November 17, 2010

In reply to #5, I stopped having the sharp edge and other fusing problems when I began using the recommended System 96 fusing schedule found at I use the schedules listed for everything I do, even when I'm using non system 96 glass (which is now very rarely) and have not had any more bubbles, sharp edges or uneven firings. Also, I've found that if you don't use shelf paper and rely solely on the kiln wash, you may have sticking and residue problems. I found that soaking in white or cider vinegar will help remove this. You can't soak too long, so have patience.

Royal Copper - 96 COE

Royal Copper - 96 COE

Item# XR5563
13 of 15 found the following review helpful:
Gorgeous glass!!, November 12, 2010 5 stars
Unbelievably gorgeous before and after fusing! Truly elegant on black glass.
The color coating on the back will flake off easily, especially if any grinding is necessary.
Other Thoughts
Make sure you have the coated side down when cutting and coated side up when grinding. Don't rub water from grinder off, simply dab it with paper towel.
Oceanside White Opal - 96 COE

Oceanside White Opal - 96 COE

Item# X200
2 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Another great item from Delphi!, September 24, 2010 5 stars
This is a nice bright white that fuses and melts with excellence! Cuts easily and has a creamy smooth finish!
Didn't order enough!
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Eclecticity's info
joined:Apr 06, 2008
display name:Eclecticity