artist gallery : ryerye

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Canfield Solder Magic Flux Remover

Canfield Solder Magic Flux Remover

Item# 3101
Works like magic!, September 21, 2009 3 stars
It does work and pretty quickly. You may need a small brush to help get stubborn solder off or a toothpick works well, just don't "dig" to get it out.
The Smell! It's pretty loud at first!
Other Thoughts
This product works fairly well. It may take more than one application to remove the flux, but it does work pretty well. I would recommend it to folks to try.
12 Add-On Layout Blocks

12" Add-On Layout Blocks

Item# 7165
1 of 1 found the following review helpful:
Awesome for even projects!, September 21, 2009 5 stars
Very easy to use . Really help with squaring up your project and KEEPING it that way!
Other Thoughts
Would be lost without them!
Replacement Tips for 8 Studio Pro Running Pliers

Replacement Tips for 8" Studio Pro Running Pliers

Item# 5068RT
4 of 6 found the following review helpful:
Fit Well, September 21, 2009 4 stars
Fit well. Grasp the glass snuggly and evenly. Easy to change out.
None so far.
Other Thoughts
Would highly recommend these replacement tips to anyone looking for a new set of tips. The price is fair for the quality which is fairly thick.
24 x 24 x 1/2 Homasote Board

24" x 24" x 1/2" Homasote Board

Item# 5176
2 of 2 found the following review helpful:
Much nicer than ceiling tiles!!!, September 21, 2009 5 stars
Larger size is great for most "home" projects. Easy to clean, just brush off with a softer brissel broom. Pin wholes don't seem to bother the texture, nice and thick to make projects to come out even. LOVE! LOVE!
Be careful with that soldering will burn pretty easily and quickly!
Other Thoughts
A great addition to our supplies. Much nicer working area to work on than ceiling tiles, although, it works pretty well, ceiling tiles just don't hold up as well.
RyeRye's info
joined:May 13, 2008
location:Ronceverte, WV US
display name:RyeRye