artist gallery : creative glass

Creative Glass's Profile


Have degrees in Respiratory Therapy and is a Registered Nurse (RN). Has been creating beauty out of glass for six months.
Recent Activity
Free Winter eBook

Free Winter eBook

Item# FP009EB
14 of 25 found the following review helpful:
, January 1, 2018 5 stars
Studio Pro Angle Grinder Bit

Studio Pro Angle Grinder Bit

Item# 7349
2 of 2 found the following review helpful:
Studio prosilver bullet angle bit, November 11, 2017 5 stars
This makes a nice edge on my glass so I don't have to put any came on it.
16 Gauge Nickel Jack Chain - 50 Ft. Roll

16 Gauge Nickel Jack Chain - 50 Ft. Roll

Item# 5475R
3 of 8 found the following review helpful:
Nickel chain, November 11, 2017 5 stars
I used this chain to hang a lot of my stained glass. It matched my came when I left it natural.
Other Thoughts
I really like thino this chain.
1/8 Flat U Lead Came – 15 lbs Spool

1/8" Flat U Lead Came – 15 lbs Spool

Item# 5577SP
10 of 13 found the following review helpful:
spooled lead 1/8th flat, February 8, 2012 5 stars
I have only been involved with stained glass for a couple of years. My first couple of projects I used lead came. After using this spooled came it made it so much easier to cut, stretch and use than the lead came. It is easier to work with and less waste. I now have all the different sizes of spooled lead, so I can use whichever size I want. My husband took a lead pipe and put all my spools on it; makes it very easy to pull off the amount I want to stretch. I think it is less expensive than the boxed came, so if I mess up a piece I do not feel so bad. Highly recommend all spooled lead.
Wish the spools were labeled as it is hard to know one from another until I use one of the wrong one.
Creative Glass
Creative Glass
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Creative Glass's info
joined:Sep 26, 2008
location:Hinton, IA US
display name:reginadon