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Oval Border Bevel Cluster

Oval Border Bevel Cluster

Item# GST26
Oval Border Bevels, April 8, 2009 4 stars
Very large border nice for door.
Didn't like the way they were packed for shipping. They had slipped out of their wrappings by the time they got to me. But luckily no damage.
Other Thoughts
You can also separate these pieces and make two smaller frames.
Elegant Corners Bevel Cluster - Set of 2

Elegant Corners Bevel Cluster - Set of 2

Item# MB408
3 of 3 found the following review helpful:
love them, April 8, 2009 5 stars
I really love the Elegant Corners and what a deal.
Other Thoughts
I like the way they're shipped on cardboard and shrunk wrapped, no damage during shipping to Alaska.
Youghiogheny Little Brave Glass Pack

Youghiogheny Little Brave Glass Pack

Item# YLB
Brave is right ., November 22, 2008 3 stars
It had alot of different types and things I would have never chosen for myself. Good for experimenting. My glass arrived in good condition. Just two broken corners. And I live in Alaska.
Being a beginner I wouldn't suggest this pack to other beginners. To many thick rough pieces. If i hadn't brought a Taurus 3 I would have been very discouraged.
Other Thoughts
Would have liked to see more transluscent pieces and smoother textures.
Teresa's info
joined:Nov 05, 2008
display name:Teresa C.