artist gallery : llwcbw

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llwcbw comment on Fusing Dichroic Glass
May 25, 2011

Thanks. These tips and printable instructions are very helpfull. I am still trying to "master" the Microwave Kiln.

Complete Beetle Bits Starter Kit

Complete Beetle Bits Starter Kit

Item# 5429
2 of 4 found the following review helpful:
Complete Beetle Bits System, April 5, 2010 5 stars
It's good to learn how to cut glass without but, it's great to have the Beetle System. The only reason I didn't get it when I started was a friend had one and I wanted to be sure I was going to like glass fusing. I do and I now have my own Beetle. It's a "must have".
There may be one but I don't know it yet.
llwcbw's info
joined:Sep 11, 2009
location:Fort Myers, FL US
display name:llwcbw