artist gallery : ashglass

ASHglass's Profile


I am moving my works to my new Delphi store - FleetingStillness - please visit me there.
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English Muffle Noble Brass

English Muffle Noble Brass

Item# EM4916
5 of 5 found the following review helpful:
Good glass, but scratched up, December 19, 2009 2 stars
Nice color and texture, cuts well
I ordered 3 sheets of muffle and all of them came with scratches. The sheets look like someone put them on the floor and dragged them around. There some scratched patches and some long scratches. If I have not noticed it 2 months later when I actually began to cut, I would have returned it.
ASHglass's info
joined:Sep 22, 2009
location:Bethesda, MD US
display name:ashark13