artist gallery : artbug

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artbug comment on FIELDS OF DREAMS
March 7, 2011

Thanks amby and nwbrooks! If you happen to look through a brown bottle in the best light - it can be beautiful, (my husband keeps me supplied-ha), but if not in direct best light - not so pretty. That's what I am faced with my neighbors house being so close to mine. Colors I would have loved to have used go dead with this loss of light. I made the window in such a way that if a relative who inherits it wants it - can remove the window and hopefully some day it will be against the correct source of light. As the light shifts during the day - there are moments of sections that just bounce. Thanks again!!!! P.S. I am going to use beer bottles and wine bottles for a matching window and fused glass with some depth. Should be fun. Another 2 1/2 years of work!

artbug comment on FIELDS OF DREAMS
March 4, 2011

Very hard to photograph!!! Errr!!!!

artbug comment on FIELDS OF DREAMS
March 4, 2011

Very hard to photograph. A lot of love and hard work went into this.

artbug comment on FIELD OF DREAMS
March 2, 2011

Very hard to photograph!!!!

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artbug's info
joined:May 20, 2010
location:North Las Vegas, NV US
display name:artbug