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Royal Copper - 90 COE

Royal Copper - 90 COE

Item# R5563
4 of 7 found the following review helpful:
Catherine, July 12, 2012 5 stars
I love using the royal glass over black for stunning pieces. I won 3rd place in a Gallery show last year with one of my pieces that was wire wrapped in sterling silver.
When working with any of the royal glass, be careful not to get water on the metal coating when grinding the edges. If it stays there too long, the coating comes off. Of course, you can come up with a really funky piece this way too. So nothing lost.
Royal Gold / Silver - 90 COE

Royal Gold / Silver - 90 COE

Item# R5564
2 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Catherine, July 12, 2012 3 stars
If making a piece 3" square of larger, you are able to get the effect of the two colors. For smaller pieces it doesn't work as well.
I tried using this for jewelry. If the pendant was large enough to cut over the two colors, it came out very pretty. But for tiny earrings, you only get one or the other of the silver or gold.
Cathy's info
joined:Aug 25, 2010
location:Wheat Ridge, CO US
display name:Cathy C.