artist gallery : bri0smith

bri0smith's Profile


I did a small stained glass piece in HS at a conference center, fell in love with the art, took a class in college, and now do it in my spare time.
Recent Activity
Complete Beetle Bits Starter Kit

Complete Beetle Bits Starter Kit

Item# 5429
4 of 5 found the following review helpful:
Love it!, January 4, 2011 4 stars
Easy to set up, simple instructions. Can't wait to use it to make beautiful geometric pieces!
seems like it could be a bit inexact if you're not careful to lock everything down.
Other Thoughts
I had a hard time choosing between this and other systems. I'm glad I got it!
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bri0smith's info
joined:Oct 20, 2010
location:Wilmore, KY US
display name:bri0smith