artist gallery : proglass

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Van Gogh Spring Green

Van Gogh Spring Green

Item# VGS
2 of 6 found the following review helpful:
mosaic glass, January 25, 2011 5 stars
great glass for mosaics, cuts like butter, can touch up back with a black paint pen if it gets scratched.
should be treated like mirror, but not a real problem. Should be ground using the fine grit. I use a piece of window screen on top of my grinder and grind it with the backing facing up
Other Thoughts
I'm a mosaic artist.I live in the town where van gogh glass is made. I use it quite often in my work; and to be a hand painted product it is very close from batch to batch sheet to sheet, I have used it for years, It's sole purpose is mosaics, but works for wall hangings and boxes, etc
proglass's info
joined:Jan 25, 2011
location:candler, NC US
display name:proglass