artist gallery : desroda23

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3/4 Glastar Grinder Bit

3/4" Glastar Grinder Bit

Item# 5202
3 of 4 found the following review helpful:
Getting into the grind of things, August 9, 2012 5 stars
Comfortable to grip, way better than holding teeny tiny pieces of glass. My finger tips are thanking me.
The rubber grip tip may wear out eventually, but they can be easily replaced. How fortuitous!
Other Thoughts
I should have purchased these a long time ago.
Glastar Straight Edge Guide

Glastar Straight Edge Guide

Item# P40950
2 of 3 found the following review helpful:
On the straight and narrow, August 9, 2012 5 stars
Easy to use. I no longer have to worry about crooked edges...unless that's what I'm going for.
Small parts can be easy to lose if you're as irresponsible as I am.
Other Thoughts
I'm wondering if owning two could be beneficial. placing one on either side of the grinder could provide addition support. Maybe?
Clear Waffle Grid Surface - 2 Pack

Clear Waffle Grid Surface - 2 Pack

Item# 5425
0 of 1 found the following review helpful:
Totally not off the grid!, August 9, 2012 5 stars
See through enough for light tables. Built solid. Very easy to connect pieces.
The grid holes are too big for tiny pieces, a problem easily solved by flipping it over and using the flat side. Perhaps a grid will be made somewhere down the line with smaller holes?
Other Thoughts
I need more. :)
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desroda23's info
joined:Nov 08, 2011
location:Mystic, CT US
display name:desroda23