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Easy-Cut Lens Cutter

Easy-Cut Lens Cutter

Item# 7991
3 of 6 found the following review helpful:
Easy to use!, June 13, 2009 5 stars
I found this cutter to work very nicely. You do need to put something down to keep the glass from sliding around. I used a thin piece of rubbery shelf-type pad which actually came with another cutting system I had. This did the trick. Scores circles easily and smoothly but I still haven't found the best way to pop out the circles and have nice smooth edges. This would not be a problem with the cutter though - just me :)
Needs a little tweaking - see above.
Other Thoughts
Need to keep an eye on the cutter, that it stays screwed in tight and isn't loose. All in all, I am very satisfied and find it easier than any other circle cutting system I have tried.
sallyq's info
joined:Aug 30, 2003
location:EUREKA, IL US
display name:sallyq