artist gallery : demiwolf

demiwolf's Profile

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12 x 14 Rectangle Prairie Mission Stand

12" x 14" Rectangle Prairie Mission Stand

Item# 103806
11 of 12 found the following review helpful:
Cheap stands, November 16, 2010 1 stars
Not worth the bother. Spend a little more and get stands that don't wobble.
Not square or level.
Other Thoughts
Won't buy them again.
14 Black Square Stand

14" Black Square Stand

Item# 4255614
Cheap stands, November 16, 2010 1 stars
They are cheap, and you get what you pay for.
I bought 8 stands, and not one of them sat level. Would return them if I thought any of the replacements would be better, but I don't.
Other Thoughts
Wouldn't purchase any more of them.
demiwolf's info
joined:Jun 13, 2005
location:BUCKEYE, AZ US
display name:demiwolf