Published: February 28, 2011
Delphi Artist and Instructor Roy Kapp demonstrates how to create a fused glass sink. He explains everything from firing, grinding, polishing and slumping the sink before demonstrating how to drill the drain hole for installation.
Bullseye Glass has been around since 1974. This premium glass is know for fusing. On this Facebook Live Roy and Val are talking about the Bullseye glass line and why we love it.
We are ready for fall and what better way to get ready than casting leaves. Roy and Val will show a variety of casting molds and how fire them and use them.
Below are the firing schedules we used in this video.
Thin Lighter Fuse
Segment rate temp hold
1 400°/hr 1000° 30 mins
2 400°/hr 1400° 15 mins
3 9999 900° 1 hour
Full Fuse with Full Molds
Segment rate temp hold
1 400°/hr 1000° 40 mins
2 400°/hr 1450° 15mins
3 9999 900° 1 hour
Slump Over Fiber Blanket
Segment rate temp hold
1 250°/hr 1000° 30 mins
2 300°/hr 1200° 20 mins
3 9999 900° 1 hour
When we need a picture, you get an unboxing! Today we are opening the Bullseye Mega 45lb Fusible Glass Pack. #BullseyeGlass #Opal #Transparent #Iridized #Collage #Fusible #KilnFormed
We are talking about slumping with drop rings. Roy and Val talk about firing schedules, glass thickness and firing schedules. They also show how to create your own custom drop ring molds.
We often get asked “How do you measure your molds for your glass?“. So we will be talking about just that! Roy and Val show a variety of molds and how we figure out what size glass you’ll need.
Take advantage of our expertise.
Glass Cutting Basics Video 1:
Basics of Cutting a Curve Video 2:
Glass Cutting Tools:
Roy and Val as they talk about different ways to use them.
Listed below are the firing schedules we used.
Ramp / Temperature / Hold Time
Roy's Firing Schedule:
Segment 1: 300 / 1000 / 40 mins
Segment 2: 200 / 1225 / 1 hour 30 mins
Segment 3: 150 / 1470 / 12 mins
Segment 4: 9999 (FULL) / 900 / 1 hour 30 mins
Val's Firing Schedule:
Segment 1: 250 / 1000 / 1 hour
Segment 2: 200 / 1225 / 1 hour
Segment 3: 250 / 1440 / 14 mins
Segment 4: 9999 (FULL) / 900 / 1 hour 30 mins
In this video we are talking about glass painting with Glassline Pens. Roy and Val as they show you how to use them and how to incorporate them into more than just fused projects.
Have you heard of photo fusing paper? If not, Roy and Val will tell you all about it. How to use it. What is the best glass to use with it and how to fire it.
Hear from Chris from Hot Shot on what distinguishes their kilns from the rest on the market. #CoolTouchTechnology #HugYourHotShot #Kiln #Fusing #FusedGlass #Kilnformed #GlassArtist
Roy and Val show you the Hot Shot Clamshell Kiln With TAP Controller featuring cool touch technology. #FacebookLive #LearnFromDelphiExperts #Fusing #NewKiln #GlassFusing #GlassArtists #BeCreative