Twelve years ago Arlene saw an ad for a two-week workshop on stained glass. Arlene Wright-Correll and her husband Carl Correll had just retired from 43 successful years in business, the last 7 spent building and then running their own B&B and campgrounds on the Appalachian Trail. When Arlene approached her husband about taking the class together, Carl thought she was crazy -- he couldn't even cut glass. But being the good husband he was, he went along with her idea and became what Arlene affectionately calls, the "Stained Glass Frankenstein Monster". For 12 years now, Carl has created and taught the art of stained glass.
The couple began Avalon Stained Glass School & Creativity Center in December 1998. Between the two of them (currently ages 75 and 77), Arlene and Carl teach approximately 22 workshops in stained glass, leaded glass, etched glass, fused glass and all kinds of art classes. In addition, they teach "Budding Young Artists" workshops for kids 6 to 12 years old. They also do free demonstrations on stained glass, water color painting and scratch art at various festivals throughout the year.
Besides running the store and teaching, the couple also makes art to sell at their stores and online. All of their profits from the sale of these items go to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Avalon Stained Glass is located at 100 Dave Wintsch Rd. Munfordville, KY 42765. Their hours of operations are Tuesday - Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturday 8am to noon CT. Visit their website or become a fan on their Facebook Page.
Dealer Spotlight: Avalon Stained Glass