Delphi Creativity Center Welcomes Japanese Glass Artists

Events and Contests

Delphi is pleased to welcome glass artists Kaori and Keiji Okushima, from Shiga Prefecture in Japan, to our Lansing Creativity Center on Saturday Aug. 10th, from 3:30pm - 4:30pm. Come to Delphi for a chance to see Kaori create her glass jewelry and hear Keiji explain his creative process.

Kaori and Keiji are both part of the Art from the Lakes program. Art from the Lakes is a special artists exchange project between the sister states of Michigan in the United States and Shiga Prefecture in Japan. Named to recognize the importance of Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture and the Great Lakes which surround Michigan, the 2013 exhibition and residency brings seven extraordinary artists to Michigans capitol city of Lansing to exhibit their works. As part of the exchange artists from Michigan will be invited and hold an exhibition in Shiga in the fall of 2014.

Kaori Okushima, Glassworker

The Art from the Lakes Exhibit is held at the Lansing Art Gallery, August 1st - September 28th, 2013. All are invited to attend the opening reception on Friday, August 2nd, from 7:00pm - 9:00pm. Visit their website for full details on the exhibit and for information about the other exhibiting artists.

Keiji Okushima, Glassworker

Main image by Keiji Okushima.
profile image
CHR. L.  •  August 13, 2013
i like too much . Its look very nice. Always you are the first.
Chandra Rusk Agostini

Chandra Rusk Agostini

Chandra currently serves as the Marketing Director for Delphi Glass. She graduated from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, FL earning a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a concentration in stained glass. She studied under the direction of master stained glass artist  Frederick L. Leuchs. After graduation she continued her work in glass during a year long apprenticeship at Southern Art Glass studio in Lakeland, FL, under the direction of glass artist and designer Marni Johnson. She continues to pursue her passion for glass and hopes to broaden the spectrum of her expertise to include all facets of art glass. She her Delphi Artist Gallery here.