Stuff to Do with Your Old Catalogs

Everything Else

As catalogers, we send out a lot of paper. We hope that people keep our Delphi catalogs for a long time (and Ithink many do), but then what? The thought of all that paper ending up in the waste basket makes me sad.

Imagine my joy to find a pinboard by filled with creative uses for old catalogs! Here are some of my favorites.

1. Star ornaments (top left)

2. Stretchy bracelet

3. Catalog button flowers

4. Envelopes from catalog pages

I've repinned these ideas and others on my Pinterest pinboard here.

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Julie Bedford

Julie Bedford

Julie graduated from the University of Florida with a degree in Communications. She worked as a marketing director and graphic designer before coming to work for Delphi as social media manager. Her mother is an artist and inspired Julie's love for art and creativity at a young age. Her hobbies include writing, crafting and social networking.