Cutting a Pattern Properly


When cutting out a pattern, where do you cut? With the proper scissors, is it on the line or left or right of the line?

If, by proper scissors, you mean the three-bladed pattern shears, you want to cut by placing the center blade of the shears right on pattern line. The two outside blades will then cut the pattern on either side of the center blade. This removes a small strip of paper between each of the pattern pieces.

You need to make sure youre using the right shears for the method of construction youve decided to use. Foil shears allow for two thicknesses of copper foil. Lead shears have a thicker center blade which allows for the heart of lead came.

If you are using regular scissors (that dont have the extra blade) you will need to cut twice, once on each side of the line, for your pattern to be accurate.

Reprinted with permission from Stained Glass News. All rights reserved.

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