I have some questions about Lead-Free Solder. Does it tarnish over time? Can you use patina on it? Does it flow like regular solder? Is it better than regular solder?
We are sure that you arent the only one with these questions. Lets start with the question of whether or not its better than regular solder. Since the harm from lead is caused by ingestion, any project that will come in contact with food or food containers should be made with lead-free solder. In addition, anything that is handled, like jewelry or kaleidoscopes, should be made with lead-free solder. Hands have a terrible habit of making it into the mouth before they get washed!
So, yes it is better than regular solder in these situations. As far as working with solder, you should be diligent about cleaning your hands after touching any solder. Dont eat, drink, smoke, or do anything while working that will cause you to ingest solder, regardless of what type you are using.
So how does lead-free solder differ from regular solder? That depends on your definition of regular solder. The most popular solder used in copper foil work is 60/40 (60% tin, 40% lead). The other option is 50/50 (even amounts of tin and lead) which flows a little stiffer and takes a little longer to set up than 60/40.
Most lead free solders flow much like 50/50. The finish on lead-free solder is a little duller than either 50/50 or 60/40. It isnt unattractive, just not quite as shiny. Our experience in using lead-free solder taught us that using a hotter than usual soldering iron will produce the best results. If you use an iron that has a temperature controller (either internal or external), simply turn it up. If you are using an iron that requires different tips for different temperatures, you will need to buy a hotter tip. The best thing to do is to practice soldering at different temperatures until you get a feel for the lead-free solder.
Lead-free solder is made up of a different combination of metals than either 50/50 or 60/40 solder, so it may require a different chemical to change its color. Check with your supplier to see what they recommend for the lead-free solder that they sell.
As far as tarnishing is concerned, any metal will oxidize over time when its exposed to the air. We think this is what you are referring to as tarnishing. The way to minimize oxidation (regardless of what type of solder you use) is to use a finishing wax which seals the surface of the solder.
Its wise of you to explore and find out all that you can about the metals and chemicals you are working with. Stained glass can be a rewarding and safe hobby when the proper precautions are taken.
Reprinted with permission from Stained Glass News. All rights reserved.
Regular Solder vs. Lead-Free Solder