4 Hot Patterns Ceramic Texture Tile Mold

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Product Features

  • Create a lasting impression and give your glass art dimension
  • Durable ceramic texture mold is easy to use and can be fired multiple times
  • Once textured, the glass can be slumped to create lovely vessels or displayed flat as panels or suncatchers
  • Get 4 textures with 1 mold - excellent for borders
  • Fun project idea: use to imprint bottles
  • Mold measures 8-3/4" x 8-3/4" – fits in a 15-6 kiln!

Product Description

Add Gorgeous Texture to Your Glass Art
Now you can easily create beautiful designs in glass. Fuse glass on texture molds for incredible creative possibilities. Reusable ceramic mold measures 8-3/4" square. Create your own textured glass for dynamic projects or use the mold to embellish glass with frit or enamel spread into the pattern for fantastic results.

Get four textures with one mold! Each texture measure 2-1/4" x 8-3/4", patterns includes flames, masonry, swirls and zig zags. Great for adding different textures for jewelry, long tile strips for creating boarders or get a little bit of each texture on one tile.

For tips on getting the most out of your texture molds and for firing schedules view "Creating with Texture Molds" project guide shown with additional images.

Directions to Create Bowl:
Fuse clear iridized glass, irid side down, on the texture mold with standard black stacked on it. Once fired, slump textured glass in bowl mold, texture side up. Artist: Stephanie O'Toole.