artist gallery : nathanielostrom

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Delphi EZ-Pro Fast Fire 15-6 Fiber Kiln

Delphi EZ-Pro Fast Fire 15-6 Fiber Kiln

Item# 68826
2 of 2 found the following review helpful:
very good, September 30, 2022 4 stars
This is a excellent light weight kiln that facilitates more rapid temperature ramping than a traditional kiln.
The kiln developed cracks shortly after I started to use it. I believe that as the kiln wall expands it is compressed by the steel belts around the kiln. I spoke with the manufacturer who indicated this does happen; I sent pictures and they indicated it would have no affect on performance and after a year it has gotten no worse and I am very happy with the performance. One of the heating coils broke after about 3 months and the manufacturer was great about sending a replacement. I put a computer cooling fan under the controller to help keep things cool.
Other Thoughts
Although I've had these issues I love this kiln and have no hesitation in recommending it.
Y96 Clear Transparent Granite - 96 COE

Y96 Clear Transparent Granite - 96 COE

Item# Y80096G
1 of 1 found the following review helpful:
Difficult to work with, September 30, 2022 2 stars
I found the texture of this glass to be so rough that I could not get a reliable cut. I expect the folks at Delphi had a similar issue as the piece I received was very irregular. If you want to work with this the best way is probably to use a saw.
Papyros Shelf Paper - 20-1/2 x 20-1/2 Sheet

Papyros Shelf Paper - 20-1/2" x 20-1/2" Sheet

Item# 54720
3 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Excellent, September 30, 2022 5 stars
Papyros is more hearty. I can often reuse this paper 3-4 times if I leave it undisturbed in the kiln.
nathanielostrom's info
joined:Apr 30, 2019
location:Okemos, MI US
display name:nathanielostrom