artist gallery : kimstone

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1/4 Lb DichroMagic Dichroic Mixed Scrap on Clear - 96 COE

1/4 Lb DichroMagic Dichroic Mixed Scrap on Clear - 96 COE

Item# X15304
Value!, September 30, 2021 5 stars
The amount of dicro I received in this package was such a great value. I loved experimenting with the different pieces while making jewelry and tiny dishes.
Oceanside Clear Artique - 96 COE

Oceanside Clear Artique - 96 COE

Item# X100A
2 of 4 found the following review helpful:
hmmm, September 30, 2021 3 stars
It was certainly compatible with other glass I was using
When fused I honestly could see very little difference between this glass and regular clear.
1 Lb DichroMagic Dichroic Mixed Scrap on Clear - 96 COE

1 Lb DichroMagic Dichroic Mixed Scrap on Clear - 96 COE

Item# X15306
Dichro is awesome, September 30, 2021 5 stars
The variety in my package gave me lots of different options to create unique pieces.
A couple pieces are very hard to tell one side from another; accidentally flipped one piece when I was trying to make a set; both were beautiful but definitely did not match!
Oceanside Dark Blue Opal - 96 COE

Oceanside Dark Blue Opal - 96 COE

Item# X23076
contrast is great, September 30, 2021 5 stars
The richness of this color makes it a wonderful contrast when combining different colors in a prduct.
Oceanside Pale Purple & White Wispy - 96 COE

Oceanside Pale Purple & White Wispy - 96 COE

Item# X3491
wispy is ethereal, September 30, 2021 5 stars
I love the unpredictable result when creating dishes with this glass
I can't use it for tiny items like jewelry as the patterns just don't show up as well.
Y96 Shamrock Green Transparent Iridized - 96 COE

Y96 Shamrock Green Transparent Iridized - 96 COE

Item# Y40096I
2 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Iridized rocks!, September 30, 2021 5 stars
This glass has given me a completely different look for my products. It is beautiful!
I had to learn about fusing right side up vs upside down!
kimstone's info
joined:Jul 02, 2021
location:Mesa, AZ US
display name:kimstone