artist gallery : ddd10psu

ddd10psu's Profile

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Curved Neck Bottle Slumping Mold

Curved Neck Bottle Slumping Mold

Item# 806153
2 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Great Mold, October 15, 2016 5 stars
Fits standard 750ml bottles well. Holds up to multiple firings without problem
Other Thoughts
Keep size of mold in mind when ordering to be sure it fits in your kiln!
7/32 Black Backed Foil - 1.25 mil

7/32" Black Backed Foil - 1.25 mil

Item# 5596
3 of 4 found the following review helpful:
Great foil, October 15, 2016 5 stars
sticks well to glass & does not tear easily
Other Thoughts
We only use Venture Tape in our studio
Weller 100 Watt Soldering Iron

Weller 100 Watt Soldering Iron

Item# 5002
11 of 16 found the following review helpful:
Only iron I use, October 15, 2016 3 stars
good built in heat control
Other Thoughts
This is the only type of iron we use in our studio. over the years the quality has diminished some.
ddd10psu's info
joined:Jan 05, 2007
location:Tyrone, PA US
display name:ddd10psu