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Cobblestone Lights Glass Gems - 1 Lb

Cobblestone Lights Glass Gems - 1 Lb

Item# 424345
Lovely Triangles of Light, September 7, 2020 5 stars
Beautifully finished glass gems that work beautifully in mosaics and glass collages. Unlike acrylic gems which may disappear under resin, these glass gems maintain their solidy.
No cons.
Other Thoughts
I really enjoy using these in my compositions because i can count on consistent color and color that goes all the way through. Also no sharp edges. Everything is nice and smooth.
Cobblestone Sparkle Glass Gems - 1 Lb

Cobblestone Sparkle Glass Gems - 1 Lb

Item# 424371
I Love Shine, September 7, 2020 5 stars
These little shiny triangular gems make perfect flower petals in mosaics or glass collages.
No cons.
Other Thoughts
Nicely rounded, no sharp edges, intense color. Make lovely flower petals for mosaics or glass collages.
3/8 Square Cobblestone Lights Glass Gems - 1 Lb

3/8" Square Cobblestone Lights Glass Gems - 1 Lb

Item# 426349
7 of 9 found the following review helpful:
Luminous Gems, September 7, 2020 5 stars
These well formed 3/8" gems are perfect for adding a sparkle to your mosaics or glass collages.
No cons!
Other Thoughts
These gems are all uniform in size so they fit perfectly within your mosaic design. They have lovely rounded edges and a smooth finish.
Luminous comment on Light Up our Blog Series: Katalin Szabo
May 7, 2012

Cutting precision is of the most importance, secondly cut, grind, foil and tac solder no more than 3-4 pieces at a time. This allows you to quickly know how well pieces fit. If you cut everything at once, having a couple of pieces not cut correctly can throw everything out of alignment. There is also a chance that you will lose the markings and not know where each piece fits. Pieces this small start to look alike very quickly.

Flexi-Glass Medium 4 oz

Flexi-Glass Medium 4 oz

Item# 40921
Flexi-glass Medium, April 3, 2012 5 stars
This product is a lot of fun. You do need the clear sheets to go along with it. It's a neat way to add interest to a piece.
None. Follow the directions though. Make your glass sheet thick enough to cut without crumbling.
Wissmach Green Transparent - 90 COE

Wissmach Green Transparent - 90 COE

Item# W0590
Green Transparent, March 16, 2012 5 stars
Cuts easily; fuses fine.
No change in color when fused.
10-1/4 Versatile Stand

10-1/4" Versatile Stand

Item# 81321
1 of 2 found the following review helpful:
10, January 13, 2012 5 stars
This is a terrific stand for multiple things. Works well displaying platters and shallow bowls. Lots of shoppers don't understand that their functional glass art can also be beautifully displayed in the home when not in use. By using a stand like this, it shows buyers that this work is vastly different from what they can get in a mega store. These stands are economically priced and the artisan can easily include the cost of the stand within the cost of the glass art.
Twofer Grinder Bits - 1 Standard

Twofer Grinder Bits - 1" Standard

Item# 63950
2 of 4 found the following review helpful:
Twofer Grinder Bits, August 22, 2011 5 stars
This standard bit is great for removing lots of glass in a short time.
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Luminous's info
joined:May 06, 2008
display name:Luminous