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Fuseworks Microwave Fusing Start-Up Kit - 90 COE

Fuseworks Microwave Fusing Start-Up Kit - 90 COE

Item# 424848
5 of 7 found the following review helpful:
Wise Choise, November 19, 2009 4 stars
Does what it is supposed to's a starter kit. Gives a good idea if I want to get any more involved with fusing. Was fun to experiment. Made a nice pendent on my 3rd attempt and wearing it getting positive comments.
Got 2 bags of Millefiori..same size.. and wonder if that was planned. There really were no cons because again, it's a starter kit.
Other Thoughts
I suggest setting the microwave time a minimum, checking the item and, if needed, add the 30 seconds until it looks good. I was not sure of the power of my microwave so I was very careful...after the first couple blobs. Good luck and have fun.
rwayne46's info
joined:Nov 19, 2009
location:north las vegas, NV US
display name:rwayne46