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Beetle Bits Cutting System

Beetle Bits Cutting System

Item# 5426
4 of 5 found the following review helpful:
Love This Cutting Tool!, November 2, 2011 5 stars
I love this system. It is precise and easy to use as well as being a little more functional than the morton system. You don't need the flying beetle cutter that comes with it and can just use a hand cutter with the arm as your guide, but I have the cutter attachment too and it is well worth it!
The set up directions leave a little bit to be desired, but you can get enough information to get it set up and running just by looking at the picture above and the rest one can surely figure out by trial and error.
Other Thoughts
Great tool! I have the big one and the small one and wouldn't want to do repetitive cutting projects that rely on accurate, identically sized pieces without one.
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