artist gallery : imadagoddezz

imadagoddezz's Profile

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Bullseye Cranberry, Blue, Green Streaky - 90 COE

Bullseye Cranberry, Blue, Green Streaky - 90 COE

Item# B31263F
12 of 14 found the following review helpful:
Very disappointed, February 25, 2013 1 stars
Beautiful pic on line. Exactly what I was looking for.
Item received didn't come anywhere near the pic as it was bright red and blue. It was very pretty, but not what I wanted.
Other Thoughts
This is twice I have been disappointed with the product I received as it did not match the online pic at all.
imadagoddezz's info
joined:Apr 21, 2010
location:LANCING, TN US
display name:imadagoddezz