artist gallery : mgwoolf

mgwoolf's Profile

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System 96 Odds and Evens Glass Pack - 96 COE

System 96 Odds and Evens Glass Pack - 96 COE

Good collection!, July 30, 2013 5 stars
I like odds and evens packs as they are generally less expensive and gives you a variety of glass to work with. They are also great because I would never have picked some of these colors or patterns, but have enjoyed using them in my art.
Oceanside 7 Pack Frit Assortment - 96 COE

Oceanside 7 Pack Frit Assortment - 96 COE

Item# X8313
3 of 6 found the following review helpful:
Great colors, July 30, 2013 5 stars
This is a good mixture of colors and textures. Some of the frit is fine, some is medium coarse. This allows for more definition in some images in the glass.
Other Thoughts
Would be great to include some sample pieces to create to get started. Used the videos online which helped alot.
Pot Melt Mold Kit

Pot Melt Mold Kit

Item# 5213
10 of 14 found the following review helpful:
Great kit, July 30, 2013 5 stars
We have already done two pot melts and have used one of them in a drop mold. They turned out great!
Need more detailed instructions for how to set the kiln. Had to do alot of research online.
Other Thoughts
Really appreciate the videos online. It is very helpful to hear about the products and see how they can be used. Thank you!
mgwoolf's info
joined:Mar 01, 2013
location:Williams, AZ US
display name:mgwoolf