artist gallery : dloebel

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Medium Sterling Silver Plated Jewelry Bails - 25 Pack

Medium Sterling Silver Plated Jewelry Bails - 25 Pack

Item# 63976
4 of 5 found the following review helpful:
Very disappointed, July 7, 2009 1 stars
None--see below.
I was pleased when these medium bails became available; I've been using the large and small ones for years, with great results. But I was terribly disappointed in these. They tarnish much more quickly than the other sizes--is the plating different? Cheaper? Whatever it is, the difference is obvious to me and to my customers--I had to switch them all out with other bails. They also have a more visible, rough seam than the other bails do. I will not use them again.
dloebel's info
joined:Nov 20, 2003
location:Tucson, AZ US
display name:dloebel