artist gallery : mecmccabe

Mecmccabe's Profile

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Uroboros Blues and Greens with Fractures Granite

Uroboros Blues and Greens with Fractures Granite

Item# U65-86
Extremely disappointed, September 18, 2015 1 stars
After a long wait, it looked nothing like the picture. Very disappointed and can't use it for anything. :-(
Black Patina For Zinc - 8 Oz

Black Patina For Zinc - 8 Oz

Item# 5509
7 of 10 found the following review helpful:
Don't bother, September 12, 2015 1 stars
Price was right, but product doesn't work.
After all the Brillo scrubbing and cleaning I did - the product did not work. Now the piece looks awful. Sorry I used this. Splotchy, seems watery, not strong enough, or ineffective chemical
Mecmccabe's info
joined:Jun 24, 2015
location:Chapel Hill, nc US
display name:Mecmccabe