artist gallery : vickiebell

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ZYP Boron Nitride Mold Release - 13 oz.

ZYP Boron Nitride Mold Release - 13 oz.

Item# 2055
4 of 4 found the following review helpful:
Boron spray, June 18, 2019 5 stars
Very easy to use and works every time. I usually put 4-5 thin coats on before use
Price. But I think it's worth it for the convenience.
Double Toggle Switch Plate Mold

Double Toggle Switch Plate Mold

Item# 94714
3 of 3 found the following review helpful:
Double switch plate, June 18, 2019 2 stars
Like the size and shape of overall switch plate
Have only used once but difficult to fill evenly and get hole sizes right. My first try was not flat when it came out of mold.
vickiebell's info
joined:Apr 02, 2016
location:Richmond, VA US
display name:vickiebell