artist gallery : redhotbeads

redhotbeads's Profile


Welcome to RedHotBeads! I've been a lampwork artist for nine years (with the exception of a two-year hiatus! :) ) and thoroughly enjoy it. I use mainly Effetre, Kugler, Reichenbach, Bullseye and borosilicate glass as well as a variety of frits and other ornamental effects. All of my beads are kiln annealed for a long, happy life. Your satisfaction with my beads and jewelry is guaranteed. Contact me with any questions. SRA #E15
Recent Activity
Silver Plated Tube Top Hinged Heart Pendant

Silver Plated Tube Top Hinged Heart Pendant

Item# 9498
Great seller, April 5, 2015 5 stars
This is a quality pendant and sells well for me.
None so far.
Other Thoughts
Makes a very pretty pendant and sells well at shows.
Smooth Rolling Supercutters Replacement Head

Smooth Rolling Supercutters Replacement Head

Item# 5115
5 of 8 found the following review helpful:
The best pistol cutter!, April 5, 2015 5 stars
This is my go-to cutter and I love it. Replacing the head is simple and they last a long time.
None I can think of.
Other Thoughts
I recommend this cutter to anyone looking for a reliable cutter at a decent price.
Floral Tapestry Ceramic Texture Tile Mold

Floral Tapestry Ceramic Texture Tile Mold

Item# 80654
0 of 1 found the following review helpful:
Lovely Texture, November 19, 2011 4 stars
I love this mold for its beautiful texture - I plan to use it to make glass tiles.
I wish it shipped with a firing schedule, at least one to start with that could be tweaked further.
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redhotbeads's info
joined:Mar 26, 2005
location:GRASS LAKE, MI US
display name:kelly.elliott