artist gallery : beachbatty0904221107

beachbatty0904221107's Profile

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beachbatty0904221107 comment on Spring
March 10, 2011

This is a beautiful piece! I love the design and the choice of glass.

beachbatty0904221107 comment on Paradise Cove
March 10, 2011

This is lovely! Your choice of colors is excellent. beachbatty

beachbatty0904221107 comment on FIELDS OF DREAMS
March 10, 2011

This is an absolutely stunning piece of work! Perhaps an exterior spotlight could be used to make up for the lack of natural light? Congratulations on your skill and your patience. beachbatty

Bullseye Aventurine Blue and Clear Iridized Streaky - 90 COE

Bullseye Aventurine Blue and Clear Iridized Streaky - 90 COE

Item# B214031
17 of 18 found the following review helpful:
Mislabeled, February 21, 2011 1 stars
I am so disappointed in this glass that I honestly cannot think of anything positive to say about it.
This glass should be named Clear with a few Blue Streaks. It looks nothing like the sample representative. It is 90% clear and 10% blue streaks. To think I spent $63 on what is basically a clear piece of glass leaves me doubting if I will ever again order glass sight unseen. I feel Delphi should do a lot more to police the samples posted on their website.
beachbatty0904221107's info
joined:Oct 01, 2005
location:Waldport, OR US
display name:beachbatty0904221107