artist gallery : sgrbzkt

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Gryphon Convertible Grinder

Gryphon Convertible Grinder

Item# 84205
15 of 20 found the following review helpful:
Awesome sidekick!, September 6, 2018 5 stars
Converts to angled platform so you can sit while grinding Uses different size bits Constant cooling with water pump
Haven’t found any
Other Thoughts
This is a breeze to use and it’s easy to switch bits and rotate platform surface. I love my gryphon grinder!
Foil Sheet - 12 x 12 x 1.25 mil

Foil Sheet - 12" x 12" x 1.25 mil

Item# 5569
0 of 1 found the following review helpful:
, September 6, 2018 5 stars
Canfield Quik Set Solder - 1 lb

Canfield Quik Set Solder - 1 lb

Item# 5467
3 of 5 found the following review helpful:
Love this solder!!, September 6, 2018 5 stars
Sets up very quickly Great for deco projects
Other Thoughts
This solder has saved a couple of projects for me. Some I got the tape to wide or the gaps didn’t come together well. So I just add a design and you the quick set and voila it’s another beautiful piece! Very pleased with it.
Liva Stained Glass Polish - 12 Oz

Liva Stained Glass Polish - 12 Oz

Item# 9432
3 of 11 found the following review helpful:
, October 5, 2017 5 stars
artist gif participant gif
Sgrbzkt's info
joined:Jul 02, 2017
location:Rhome, TX US
display name:Sgrbzkt