artist gallery : jotacejara

jotacejara's Profile

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Studio Pro Lead Nipper Pliers

Studio Pro Lead Nipper Pliers

Item# 5069
excelente producto, April 18, 2013 5 stars
por su presentaciòn y ductililidad permite dar un gran acabado a trabajos.
Other Thoughts
English Translation Title - Excellent Product. Pros - By the appearance and versatility it allows one to give a great finish to pieces of work.
Mika Tempright Temperature Controller

Mika Tempright Temperature Controller

Item# 5067
3 of 6 found the following review helpful:
excelente, April 18, 2013 5 stars
facilita el manejo del soldador. ahora se controlan fàcilmente las temperaturas sin necesidad de conectar y desconectar el soldador y ahorrando en costos de energìa.
Other Thoughts
English Translation Title - Excelent Pros - Easily manage the soldering iron. Now one can easily control the temperature without needing to connect and disconnect the soldering iron and it saves on the cost of energy.
jotacejara's info
joined:Jul 07, 2012
location:Cali, Valle CO
display name:jotacejara