The Keat Inn

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This is how I was able to make a Chicago fireman cry. Father-in-law to my nephew, this man was retiring from the Chicago fire department. We conversed about hobbies which led to a visit to his basement where a gorgeous bar had been built for entertainment purposes. He joked that his wife wouldn't let him out a sign over the stairwell naming the basement "the keat inn". As conversation goes I gave him my phone number if he wanted anything made to decorate further. He soon texted me the dimensions of his egress window and I made this. He had no idea I was building his sign that couldn't hang at the entrance. When we unveiled it he stood there speechless with a tear in his eyes. The hugs were fantastic!!!  He put it on hinges and it hangs over his egress window while allowing an escape if needed. 

Art Glass Festival 2023 entry