artist gallery : liquiddiam

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1 Lb Crystal Clear Transparent Powder Frit - 90 COE

1 Lb Crystal Clear Transparent Powder Frit - 90 COE

Item# B140198
1 of 2 found the following review helpful:
Excellent crystal clear finish!, May 23, 2022 5 stars
I dust my projects often at the end of applications to give a beautiful clear finish. Shiny!
5 Lb Clear Transparent Medium Frit - 90 COE

5 Lb Clear Transparent Medium Frit - 90 COE

Item# B110102
Yay for clear, May 23, 2022 5 stars
I work with a lot of molds and this is a perfect filler!
Bullseye Breathtaking Blues Frit Assortment - 90 COE

Bullseye Breathtaking Blues Frit Assortment - 90 COE

Item# B8325
0 of 1 found the following review helpful:
Beautiful blue assortment., May 23, 2022 5 stars
I love the variety of blues for water and sky details.
Liquid Stringer Medium - 8 oz.

Liquid Stringer Medium - 8 oz.

Item# 40900
8 of 15 found the following review helpful:
Love liquid stringers!, May 23, 2022 5 stars
This product when mixed with powder frit give you the ability to run a smooth line when used with a tip bottle! Very convenient for detail or painting with glass.
Bullseye Powder Frit Sampler - 90 COE

Bullseye Powder Frit Sampler - 90 COE

Item# B8314
8 of 12 found the following review helpful:
Bullseye powder frit!, May 23, 2022 5 stars
I love these colorful powder Frits. They are wonderful to use in my freeze and fuse design molds. Excellent quality!
liquiddiam's info
joined:Oct 14, 2007
location:new hartford, CT US
display name:liquiddiam